Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 6-Hour Race (2020 Cancelled)
A scenic 1.1 km paved loop near Lake Ontario and near the walls of Fort Frederick
About the event
For many years now, we have been inviting runners to join us for our annual 6-hour race in Kingston. We are proud to hold it once again upon the grounds of the Royal Military College, on the shore of Lake Ontario. This is a beautiful short loop (1.1 km) near a tiny historical fort. We always strive to welcome and support the runners in a very helpful fashion. A water/food station is available every loop, so you never have to worry about being caught without nourishment. We encourage all participants to transcend their past accomplishments, although the mood at the race can be characterized as more friendly than competitive. We frequently get comments from the runners about how much they appreciate the help that our counters are able to provide.
Please see 2019 Photos / Gallery here.
Please see 2018 Photos / Gallery here.
Please see 2017 Photos / Gallery here.
6 hour race on 1.1 km loop
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Start time
- 9:00 AM
- $60 before Sept. 13, 2020
- $75 Sept. 13 to 16, 2020
Hladini WilsonDirections, Awards etc
Hwy 401 to Kingston. Exit #623 onto Hwy 15 South. Turn right at T-junction onto Hwy 2. Turn left into entrance for the Royal Military College. Take the right fork past the guardhouse. Turn right at t-junction onto Crerar Crescent; left at next t-junction onto Valour Drive; right onto Point Frederick Drive. Parking lot and S/F at Fort Frederick.
Individual Runners: Open to ages 18 and over.
$60, including t-shirt, if received on or before Sept. 13; $75 from Sept. 13-16
Deadline: Entry deadline is 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020.
*No race day registration accepted.
Top 3 male and female overall, and first place for 60-69, 70-79 and 80+ for a
total of 9 individual prizes. Certificates and photos for all participants.
Please see the following article to learn how to avoid dehydration during an Ultra-distance race: